Silver: September Increase

The 'Silver: September Increase' is the seasonal rise in silver, starting on August 30 and ending on September 23. The increase was observed in 24 of 30 years, resulting in an average profit of +8.2%. But there were also 6 years, where the price of silver fell during this period of the year. The average loss then was -5%. The overall rise during all 30 years was +5.4% p.a.

The 'Silver: September Increase' lasts 24 calendar days. It took place in 80% of all years. Thus the statistical stability of this seasonal pattern is fine. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take steps to minimize losses (e.g. through stopp loss).

The following table shows all 'Silver: September Increases' since 1990:
1990-0830    483.00   1990-0924    494.30    11.30    2.34 %
1991-0830    383.00   1991-0923    414.00    31.00    8.09 %
1992-0831    375.00   1992-0923    381.00     6.00    1.60 %
1993-0830    483.00   1993-0923    414.00   -69.00  -14.29 %
1994-0830    538.00   1994-0923    571.00    33.00    6.13 %
1995-0830    524.00   1995-0925    541.00    17.00    3.24 %
1996-0830    519.00   1996-0923    486.00   -33.00   -6.36 %
1997-0902    462.00   1997-0923    470.00     8.00    1.73 %
1998-0831    467.00   1998-0923    503.00    36.00    7.71 %
1999-0830    510.00   1999-0923    527.00    17.00    3.33 %
2000-0830    490.00   2000-0925    489.00    -1.00   -0.20 %
2001-0830    420.25   2001-0924    450.75    30.50    7.26 %
2002-0830    456.50   2002-0923    463.75     7.25    1.59 %
Notice: Our Hot Tips are no trading recommandations. In fact, they are a real time test of seasonal patterns. Trading with seasonality requires additional means to reduce losses, for example diversifaction, the implemetantion of further indicators, or stop losses. Yoy can find an introduction into seasonal trading under trading strategies. Please take also notice of the results of our previous tips and of our disclaimer.